This past week, I have been in Destin, FL with River Pointe Church's high school youth group. I have traveled all over the map throughout the years with this great group of people. Although the destinations and faces have vastly changed, I have always left with a new set of unforgettable memories. Terrace Clayton, or "T", has been our youth pastor, leader, and close friend on every trip. The first time I met him was on a spring break mission trip in Piedras Negras, Mexico freshman year. He wouldn't stop jamming to 'Don't Stop Believing' and convinced us that 'teamwork makes the dream work'! We built new houses and served a full spaghetti dinner to the entire community along the railroad track. Our mission trip to Mexico was the start of something special. That summer, I headed to Camp Eagle! I met so many new people which sparked my involvement at River Pointe. That week at camp, we had to life-flight our unpaid summer intern to the hospital. We accidentally flung the tether-pole string halfway across the camp site and we left our burden filled rock at the foot of the cross. That school year, T and I kicked off "Quarterly Causes"- which was a way to help students focus on one global issue for a quarter of the year. With T's help, I chose to advocate for the Rapha House and we raised over $4,500 for girls recovering from human trafficking. That spring break we went on a mission trip in Galveston, TX. We scrapped tile off the floor of an ancient church for countless hours and snuck away to Wal-Mart with T for Sonic Slushies! We felt very sneaky and knew our bond was only growing stronger. That summer launched the first Destination trip to Corpus Christi and South Padre Island. We had 18 kids, 3 passenger vans, and countless mafia card games. We visited the Selena Monument, attended a Hooks minor league baseball game, and witnessed Jacob punch straight through the van window. What a memorable event! The following spring breaks I couldn't attend River Pointe's mission trips; however, they went to Arlington and New Orleans to serve the Lord. Last summer, I went to Destination- Part 2 in Destin, FL. Amber and I wrote the ultimate rap on the way home that summed up the entire trip. We had 28 students and one charter bus... which was a tight bonded group of a lot of my close friends. This year in Destination-Part 3, we had 91 people and two packed charter buses. It has been amazing to witness the growth over the years, but ninety one was too many to travel with (in my opinion)!!! The group consisted of several underclassmen, a few juniors, and then the classic senior River Pointe trio- me, Katy, and Amber. They all convinced me to come on our last trip, the final hoo-rah, the end of a life changing journey. I am so glad they drug me along, because there was a purpose for my presence in Destin. Our week was filled with playing sand volleyball, crashing through the ocean waves, relaxing by the poolside, shopping at the outlet malls and souvenir shops, floating along the never ending river, and eating a lot (and I mean A LOT) of food! We stayed at Tops'l Beach Resort and had condo-style rooms. They were absolutely AMAZING and by far our best accommodations to date! Katy, Amber, and I stayed in the master bedroom and we all slept in the king-size bed. Stephanie, T's wife, was our group leader and I adore her! We had pillow talk every night and I loved every second of snuggling with my girls!!! My favorite part of each day was worship on the beach. It was unbelievable to see how Jesus can speak to you while sitting in the grainy sand and listening to the waves crash on the shore. Bottom line... Jesus has changed the way I live. I started to grasp the idea of Satan working against me and viewing me as stolen property. The lies I've believed about myself as truth have affected my life as if it were truth. There's no doubt about it... I am broken like the rest of the world. I have been struggling spiritually and emotionally. However, God never promised me a life of comfort. He promised me a life that counts. God may push me outside of my comfort zone and he may challenge me to change, but it is all to accomplish the perfect plan he has for us. T has not only impacted my life, but also initiated the first steps in my walk with Christ. We have had countless laughs together and he has seen all of my facial expressions. On the final night of our trip this week, he gave a long senior tribute speech. Amber, Katy and I were all in tears. Surprisingly, T shed a few tears as well since it was our last trip all together. He prayed over us- for the next chapter in our lives and for our futures. My last moments on the beach were unforgettable and emotional as we linked arms and cried hand in hand. KK and Berr are my very best friends and I don't know what I would have done without these girls by my side over the past four years. DESTINation 2011, our last high school trip together. HIS love never fails and the relationships we have built will last through the ages.
If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
If our God is with us, then what could stand against.
If our God is with us, then what could stand against.