Today has been a crazy busy day! I’ve been setting up printers, scoping out my professors, altering my schedule, and readjusting to life with a planner! When I opened up my planner, I found a note from Lauren that made me smile. It said… I love you sweet Kaity Kait! You have four amazing years ahead of you. Live in the moment and have a blast! You are so wonderful. Love, Lauren. It was the sweetest note and the perfect thing for me to read before classes begin tomorrow! In the afternoon, I went to Freshman Convocation with the Class of 2015. It was the only time our entire freshman class would be joined together before we stand beside one another at graduation. The Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2015 began our journey at Texas A&M University by gathering in one place, at one time. At the ceremony there was President Loftin, vice presidents, and faculty from each academic department to welcome everyone into the Community of Learners and Scholars. I went with my roommate, Megan, and her best friend, Allison. The ceremony was rather boring, but I met some cool people and I felt like I needed to attend my official convocation. The best part was by far singing the Aggie War Hymn! Tonight I went to my first Tri-Delt meeting. We were instructed to wear all white and zero make-up. I carpooled with Madeline and Lauren, some girls that live on Southside! The meeting was very overwhelming with information about every aspect of sorority life. We heard about the history, the mottos, the social events, the finances, the expectations, the t-shirts, the upcoming events, and much more. It was exciting, but a lot of information was thrown out all at once. I am super excited to continue getting to know the sweet girls in PC ’11 and all of the other active Tri-Delts! I have enjoyed working out at the Rec, talking to my family on the phone, and adjusting to life in College Station. My first college classes start tomorrow. I am excited about getting in a routine and meeting new people. I am extremely nervous about learning how to manage my time and balance my social life with school work. I couldn’t be happier with my college experience thus far, and I hope all of my blog followers feel like they are a big part of it! I would like to give a major shout out to Mr. Scott Klovans. I am Jason’s sister, he is Jason’s best friend, and Michelle Roche is his chosen lady. Scott went to Texas A&M and wishes every day that he could be back in college living the dream. Oh how sweet it is!