Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Up, Up, and Away

Tri-Delta had it's first date party of the year last night! The theme was Up, Up, and Away and I asked my friend, D.J. Cieply, to come as my date. Above is a picture of the sign that I made for him and below is the poem that I wrote to him. 

I still can’t believe that we met at Convocation
You told me your name, and I ranted on and on about graduation.
You lent me a piece of gum,
While we sat through the bird presentation that was very dumb.
We talked about our future in Mays
I never imagined we’d be friends in the coming days.
The next morning was the start of our college years.
New classes, new faces, and so many fears
Luckily, I heard you holler my name.
Who would have guessed our geology class would be the same?
We sat together in the front row and our friendship officially began.
It seemed like us meeting was a part of a bigger plan.
Your favorite book was Crazy Love,
And all growing up I could have found you wearing a baseball glove.
Every day in Geology we get so bored,
But at the end of the day we both love the Lord.
You are one of the most genuine guys that I know,
And to my first Tri-Delta date party I want you to go.
The theme is Up, Up, and Away
Unfortunately, it falls on your birthday.
It’s Tuesday, September 27th from ten until two,
If you don’t want to go, that’ll have to do.
It’s totally up to you to determine your fate,
But, D.J. Cieply, I think you’d be the most fun date!

And so there it is folks, D.J. Cieply was the first guy I ever took to a date party and it was his birthday! We went to dinner with a large group of Tri-Delts and their dates at Koppe Bridge. Afterwards, we ate a cookie cake complete with candles, a birthday hat, and the birthday song. I tried my best to make his day as special as possible considering he agreed to come to my sorority event. The theme was Up, Up, and Away, so we dressed up as Superwoman and Clark Kent. Other people were dressed as skydivers, planets, angels, travelers, flight attendants, "Up" characters, flying pigs, rollercoasters, Santa & the reindeer, the cloud and silver lining, Peter Pan & Wendy, Harry Potter, and plenty more. Tri-Delta rented out Hurricane Harry's and we had a massive dance party. I was the first one to step on the dance floor and I don't think I ever came off of it. We all were dancing crazy and having a blast! I am so thankful that D.J. was able to come, celebrate his birthday, and get his dancin' on. He really was the most fun date! Tri-Delta's Up, Up, and Away Victory Party was a total success and I am looking forward to many more events.  There was so much Delta Lovin' in one place!