Tonight I had Banquet for MSC Fish! I cannot begin to explain how incredibly blessed I feel to be a part of this organization. It all started only three short months ago and we have created thousands of memories every step of the way. I can honestly say I’ve met some of my best friends through this organization and I can’t wait to continue to grow in my friendships with each of them. We literally spend every second of every day together and have over a thousand inside jokes and pictures together. Any member in MSC Fish could walk through the Commons and instantly feel like a celebrity since there are fellow Fish friends on every corner rockin’ their neon yellow hat. My friends are fun, spontaneous, and down-to-earth and I love everything about them! This semester I documented throughout several blog posts what was just the beginning of my experience in MSC Fish. I cannot believe it is already halfway over… Where in the world did this semester go?! With that said, I will continue to embrace each and every moment I have with my FLO since we only have one semester remaining. You can bet there will be many more unforgettable memories, countless hours of service, unproductive nights in Evans, school road trips, spontaneous bonding, and root beer float parties. As for tonight, we all ate dinner with our schools, and my school, Toates Angsty Platypi, had Pei Wei! I still don’t really understand our school name, but it’s growing on me. We arrived at Banquet and walked (what felt like) over a mile in our high heels to the “glass building” diagonal from Reed Arena. Our AD’s had little Christmas presents waiting for us and Laura painted our school the cutest picture frames. I already have mine up in my dorm! We watched a slideshow from our entire semester. It included pictures from every event, memories from each school, and a special tribute to every staff member and exec that make this organization possible. They gave out awards to a few select people. Ms. Fish was given to my good friend and fellow dorm neighbor, Grace Nowstrup. Mr. Fish was given to that crazy and sweet man, Steven Baker. I couldn’t have picked two better people to receive these awards! MSC FISH is my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just thinking about all of the people I’ve met through it makes me smile and I simply can’t wait to see what else this organization has in store for us!