Friday, March 9, 2012


On Monday morning, I found out that I was chosen to be a part of Fish Camp 2012!!! I am so excited to see where my journey as a counselor takes me this year and I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of one of the greatest traditions surrounding Texas A&M. There were almost 2,000 applicants and I am confident that the co-chairs carefully selected hundreds of incredible counselors to make this year amazing. Thursday, March 8th was Counselor Revelation in Rudder Auditorium. I was instructed to dress up as my favorite animal, so naturally I chose to be a Flamingo. There are few things I enjoy more than being able to dress up in a random costume! I arrived at Rudder alongside several of my friends from MSC FISH. It was highly entertaining watching all of the various wardrobe choices. There were animals, ninjas, old people, robots, Disney characters, holidays, rock stars, pirates, and so many more. We signed in and were handed a name tag—which consisted of several random letters and a random word. At this point, I couldn’t have been more confused. We all scattered into the auditorium anxiously awaiting the reveal of our camp, co-chairs, color, session, namesake, and fellow counselors. They started off the night with a pep talk from the head director of Fish Camp followed by an inspirational speech from my professor, Ben Welch. They reminded me of why I chose to be an Aggie and the spirit that can never be told. We are here, dedicated and ready, to welcome the fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2016. We all chose to be here for a reason, because we have similar passions. We may be from different backgrounds and be involved in different organizations, but there is one thing that unites us all. We are Aggies and we are a family. Ben Welch received a standing ovation and I couldn’t have been more proud to say he is my professor this semester. The night continued on and everything started to be unveiled. I was placed into Session B GREEEN—CAMP DUKE! My co-chairs names are Britni Williamson and Will Garnett. They seem so great and I can’t wait to get to know them so much better! As for my fellow counselors… it is the most amazing group of people all placed into the same camp. I don’t know them yet, but I can tell by their enthusiasm and excitement for Fish Camp and Texas A&M that we are going to become best friends real fast. There are several people from MSC FISH in my camp; including Landon Sikes and Stephanie Stryker. Will, my co-chair, and two other counselors are old school FISH. Needless to say, there are fishes swimming all around Camp Duke! I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to get to know all these people so much better. Our journey as a camp and as a family has just begun. We have so much to look forward to the rest of this semester, this summer, and next year. I know that we are going to make an impact on the incoming freshman and I can’t wait to give them a small taste of this incredible University. Fish Camp not only eases their transition into college, but it also turns their blood maroon. Let the brainwashing begin! Green is one of my favorite colors. Our co-chair (and his children) are absolutely precious. And I am already in love with my camp. SO STINKIN’ THANKFUL AND PUMPED TO BE A PART OF FISH CAMP 2012!!!