Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break 2012

This past week was my first spring break of my college career. I road tripped to Gulf Shores, Alabama with a big group of Tri-Delts. It was a very diverse group of girls, but it turned out to be one of the most fun weeks of my life. After all of my hard work this semester so far, I was in dire need of a relaxing break on the beach with my girls. Our trip all started on Saturday Morning. We left College Station around 7:30 am, and I rode with Whitney Richmond, Madeline Corley, and Erin Briers. We had the most fun car ride ever… hands down. A 10 hour trip took us over 13 hours to complete. How’s that possible? Not too sure. We made a pit stop at “The Lucky Delta,” drove in 8 large circles, attempted to reverse on a one way ramp, halted on the highway with the Apples-To-Apples game flying into the dash board, ate three meals, and jammed the entire way. Eventually we met up with the remainder of our group at our condo in Orange Beach, AL. This condo was RIDICULOUS! It was three stories tall and slept 17 people. The condo was situated perfectly on the beach with two balconies, a tiki bar, a pinterest kitchen, and much more.  It was a perfect find. Immediately upon arriving, we had to have a group meeting to discuss the grocery list and the house rules. I wasn’t excited about following rules, because I was ready to let loose and have a memorable spring break with my sisters. The beginning of the week the weather was cloudy and had scattered showers. That was not the beachy weather we were looking for by any means, but we spent the day relaxing and working out. Sunday evening, we went to dinner at Lulu’s as a big group and afterwards half of us headed to Gulf Shores. Orange Beach was more of a family-friendly atmosphere and Gulf Shores was where all of the college kids were for the week. We met up with some of our friends, learned alternative “house rules,”  spent time with the other massive group of A&M Tri-Delts, parked our car in the sand and got it stuck, and laughed the entire night. We quickly discovered that Gulf Shores was the place to be! The following day was still pretty gloomy, so we went to the Outlet Mall and shopped the entire day. Everyone bought super cute items and spent their pretty little pennies. It continues to amaze me how stylish my friends are. That night we had a Bachelor Finale Party at the condo. All of the Tri-Delts squeezed onto the couch and grubbed on some spaghetti and meatballs. It was a much-needed relaxing night with all my girls. On Tuesday, the sun was finally shining and it was a “Gulf-Shores” kind of day. We spent the day there and hopped from darty to darty (“Darty”=Day Party). Every sorority and fraternity from every single university had a house in Gulf Shores during Spring Break. When you walked up and down the beach, you saw college kids partying everywhere. When I was younger and I imagined “college life,” THIS was exactly what I pictured. Our little group was able to hang out with the other Tri-Delts, see some of our other friends, and meet plenty of new people. We had a good ol’ time during the day and Whitney, Erin, and I headed BACK to Gulf Shores for the night.  Every single thing I did with those girls this week, I was laughing the entire time. We chilled with the Tri-Delts, spent time at the Beta house until they were evicted, and met Texas Delts on the beach. It was an interesting night to say the least. We had a blast at Gulf Shores, but Wednesday was by far my favorite day of the trip! We were at Orange Beach the entire day. We took pictures in our Delta Tanks, found a jelly fish, sipped on some PiƱa Coladas, jumped the waves, played BP in the sand, met random people, and soaked up every minute of the sun. At night, we got all dressed up and went to dinner at Live Bait. Our table felt like we were on a cruise ship and Whitney was hit on by the waiter. Afterwards, we went to Flora-Bama. This could possibly be my most favorite place in the world. It seriously ROCKED! Flora-Bama is situated in Pensacola, FL—on the border between Florida and Alabama. It consisted of 7 bars and two live bands. I danced the entire night and never stopped. This was like a date party with my Tri-Delta sisters, but much better because I didn’t have to worry about a silly date. The band was unbelievable and the entire night was unforgettable. We returned to the house after midnight and partied like little rock stars. We had girl talk on the beach and I loved every single crazy second of it. The last day was the most relaxing day yet. I laid out on the beach the entire day until the sun went down. The weather was perfect and the sound of the ocean was so relaxing. I had my toes in the sand and life was good. Our last night in Alabama, we went to a restaurant called Lamberts. It is nationally known for throwing rolls at people and it was the coolest restaurant I’ve ever been to in my entire life. The place is very famous and absolutely delicious. We all left completely bloated, but it was so worth every lick of apple butter. The original plan was to drive back on Friday morning, but somehow Whitney and I convinced the entire house to drive throughout the night (still not sure how we pulled that one off). As we were squeezing five girls’ luggage and five girls into the scion, we decided to be polite and say good bye to the rest of the gang. As we ran up the stairs, the coffee pot broke, someone threw up, and all hell broke loose. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Despite the drama and inevitable division in our house, we had a great time together. We made the most of every situation and did whatever made us happy. We knew this was our break from school and we were there to have fun… and I promise you we had a blast! I wish I could document every inside joke, every quote from Whitney’s mouth, every rule, every awkward situation, everything about this trip. There were a whole lot more details for every story, but the blog can only reveal the basics. Spring Break was interesting, CRAZY, irritating, relaxing, and by far one of the most fun weeks of my entire life. It was a full week of Delta Delta Delta and I loved every second of it.
^^Not exactly our "house rules," but I thought these were hilarious!^^