Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Partner Reveal

Partner reveal for MSC FISH happened over a week ago, but I figured Brett Graham still needed his own personal blog post. Sunday, September 9th our entire staff met in the Student Programming Office for a meeting regarding interview week. After our meeting, we went on a journey throughout campus in an attempt to discover who our partner would be. There were several “fake” partnerships along the way which made it highly entertaining. I honestly thought any of the men on staff would have made incredible partners. In the final reveal, I found out that Brett Graham and I are partners for this upcoming year. WE will have our OWN school!!! For those of you that may be confused, “schools” are the social part of FISH. Each school is led by an Assistant Director partnership and is made up of ten freshmen: five guys and five girls. Schools go on road trips, hangout during the week, and participate in a wide variety of other activities. My school last year, Toates Angsty Platypi, was perfect and I can’t wait to see what craziness my new school will bring. All last week we held interviews for MSC FISH—the 5th floor of Rudder Tower became our new home. It was exhausting and repetitive, but at least I was in good company. The past two weeks have redefined what it means to me to be busy. If we weren’t in class, we were in interviews. Where did studying fit in? It didn’t. However, all of our long days became worth it on Sunday night. It happened to be my 20th birthday and we were finally able to read off our list of 80 fantastic freshmen. I couldn’t think of a more perfect birthday present than being able to call all of our new babies! Tonight marks the last night we will be without our schools. Tomorrow is the start of a new chapter and an incredible journey. Our perfect freshmen are coming within the next 24 hours and I cannot contain my excitement. Brett will be the absolute perfect partner for me—he has already been amazing so far. The freshmen will adore him almost as much as I do and I can’t wait to watch our partnership grow throughout this next year. Actual school is stressful and time is limited, but it is organizations like MSC FISH and people like this that make my college experience. I am beyond thankful to serve as an Assistant Director this year. Every partnership has the potential to create “power” schools this year, but with Brett and me as a duo… the possibilities are endless. LET’S DO THIS!