Life has been crazy lately. College may be relaxing for some, but my schedule has yet to slow down. I am constantly hopping from one thing to the next, and the past couple of days have been no exception. This past week was “Delta Week,” or the week leading up to our initiation. We each received letters in our boxes that pieced together the word Delta. On Monday, we had a profit share at Rosa’s Café for St. Jude leading up to our big philanthropy event called Game Day. Every other day of the week, we had a mixer with each of the pledge classes. They consisted of a poolside hangout with the ladies of PC ’09, arts and crafts with the senior gals of PC ’08, and a pumpkin carving party in the park with PC ’10. The Mixers gave us an opportunity to bond with girls in our own pledge class as well as get to know the older Tri-Delts. On Thursday, I also attended FLO-DOWN. This was an all-FLO country western dancin’ social. I was able to hang out with my new friends in MSC FISH, as well as people in the other FLOs. We watched the Aggie Wranglers perform and two-stepped out on the dance floor. Our New Member Retreat was on Friday at the Tri-Delt house. We participated in plenty of bonding activities, ate lots of sweets, and had pillow talk with our fellow sisters. It was a rather uncomfortable sleeping arrangement for 56 girls, but it was quality bonding time. It allowed me to get to know girls that I had yet to meet, and I continued to learn everyone’s name (it's a work in progress)! Saturday morning, we woke up to BTHO Baylor. The big game was at eleven in the morning and we pulled with an enormous group of people. This was by far the best game to date and I actually stayed the entire time! The ending score was Texas A&M-55 to Baylor-28. It was a great day to be an Aggie, so S-E-Ceeeee ya later Baylor!!! The rest of the day was spent Tailgating with the Muller family and hanging out with some of my other Sugar Land friends. That blog post was quite a mouth full, and I didn’t even mention anything about my schoolwork, studying, or tests. Texas A&M is the best place to attend college… I promise. I have met so many incredible people in College Station! Our Initiation is on Tuesday, and I couldn’t be more excited to officially be a member of Delta Delta Delta. That’s the latest update from Aggieland and I can’t wait to see what’s yet to come.
Quote for the Week:
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau