Sunday, September 25, 2011


On Sunday, I was accepted into MSC FISH! FISH is a FLO on campus that stands for Freshmen In Service and Hosting. My brother, Jason, was in FLiP and I had always assumed that I would follow in his footsteps. However, a week ago he told me that I would like FISH better. We had to preference our FLO’s in order and since I couldn’t decide between the two, I drew them from a hat.
2. FLiP
3. Fish Aides
Luckily, I was selected for MSC Fish and it couldn’t feel like a more perfect fit. On Wednesday, we had our first official meeting and were assigned to our schools. My school’s name is TAP (Toates’ Angsty Platypi) and our color is neon green. We went on a scavenger hunt throughout campus and learned about some of our fellow FISH. On Friday, we had a mandatory meeting and lock-in. We learned all of the rules, grubbed on some pizza, and were assigned into our committees. I am apart of the Kyle Field Day Committee (KFD), which was by far my first choice! I couldn’t be more thankful for being a chosen member of MSC FISH 2011-2012 and I can’t wait to see what’s in store!