As I sit down to write my last blog as a freshman in MSC FISH, tears are rolling down my face. Never in a million years did I ever imagine being a part of an organization that would continually challenge me to be a stronger leader, a more charismatic speaker, a kinder friend, or a more selfless servant. My involvement in FISH completely defined my freshman year of college. When people ask me about Texas A&M, I inevitably ramble on and on about this organization and the people I’ve met through it. The relationships I’ve made throughout the past eight months have changed my life. At one of the first meetings, they told us that our very best friends were sitting beside us in that room and some of them would even be in our wedding one day. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, but luckily I was proven wrong. They knew it all along... there is something about MSC FISH and serving together that sparks the most unforgettable friendships and instantly unites people on a different level. We all experienced our first year of college together and our days were beyond busy…. Rev Night, FLO BOWL, Halloween Festivities, Winter Banquet, BJs in our PJS, Sbisa Marathons, School Roadtrips, AGBs, Weekly Service, GCMS, Hippie Hangouts, Football Games, Fuego Runs, Fall Project, Winter Trip, Spring Retreat, Root Beer Floats Parties, Lake Conroe, Bro-Bowl, Prom Dress Drive, Camp For All, Aggieland Saturday, Kyle Field Day, Big Event, and the list goes on and on. My blog, Peace, Love, & Gig ‘Em, attempted to document every major FISH event and I am so thankful I can always look back and reflect on this amazing year through pictures. There are plenty of little moments, deep conversations, and friendly faces that I will never forget. We were all chosen to be a part of this organization for a reason and together we made the perfect FISH Family. I am confident the friendships I’ve made my freshman year of college will be life lasting. Tonight was Banquet for MSC FISH and it was by far one of my favorite nights to date. This was the last offical time we would all be in the same location at the same time. I was filled with a thousand different emotions. The AD’s and Exec’s worked incredibly hard to make this event memorable for us and they were very successful. We took group pictures at Rudder Fountain and headed to the 7F Lodge. This place was in the middle of nowhere, but it was the perfect location for banquet. The scenery was beautiful for pictures and every single person in FISH looked stunning. As we arrived, we were greeted by the entire staff and began taking pictures with our schools. It was super fun goofing off and acting like ‘Typical TAP’. We began flooding into the room for our banquet ceremony and every single table was decorated according to the various schools. Laura Mixtacki, my incredible “mom” and friend, did a phenomenal job with our table and all of our gifts. She is the reason our banquet celebration was special and we are all so thankful for her hard work and dedication to our school. The night was filled with speeches, memories, slideshows, cupcakes, presents, hugs, and pictures. Listening to everyone reminisce on the past year reminded me of what a blessing it has been to be a part of this organization. I wish every single person could experience something like this, because from the outside looking in it is exceptionally hard to understand. We all voted on superlative awards—such as Mr. and Mrs. FISH, Most Attractive, Most Athletic, Friendliest, Most Likely to Become President, Best Smile, etc. I was voted as “Most Redass” out of our freshman group. REDASS is defined as someone who is very involved at Texas A&M, follows all traditions, and is filled with Aggie Spirit. I had zero expectations of winning this award, but I am honored that FISH chose me as someone that is well representative of Aggieland. Banquet was the most perfect night spent with the most perfect school around. The people in Toates Angsty Platypi will forever hold a special place in my heart. We are all unbelievably unique and most people don’t understand us. However, it was our differences that united us and made us a strong school. We were and always will be known as the awkward school that redefined normalcy one day at a time. I wouldn’t have rather been a part of any other school, preferred any other FLO, or attended any other university. I am in love with Texas A&M—thanks to all of the people in MSC FISH. We are now all a part of ‘Old School’ FISH, even though it seems like just yesterday that it all began. This may be my last official post about an MSC FISH event, but this will by no means be the last time you see these people in the blog. FISH provided me with the easiest transition into college and introduced me to my very best friends. No matter where the road of life may take me in the future, I will never forget where it all began. Thanks & Gig ‘Em!