Friday, April 13, 2012

Paddle Pass.

Last night was Paddle Pass for PC ’11. It is a historic tradition to make a paddle for your little sister in Tri Delta. Most other sororities do it, too. They really aren't used for anything other than decoration to hang on your wall. Big sisters spend tons of time and effort on the paddle for their little. The paddles tend to get extremely creative and elaborate as the years pass by. Courtney Reed, my big, painted me the most perfect paddle and I know I will cherish it for the rest of my life. She used coral and aqua blue paint with white sparkly deltas on it. She is an incredibly talented artist and I am so thankful she is my big. Paddles are always complete with the sorority letters, the name of the big, and the name of the little. It was so much fun looking at all of the different paddles for the girls in my pledge class, taking tons of pictures, and eating yummy cookie cake. The paddles were all extremely unique and matched the personality of the little perfectly. All of the girls in PC ’10 did a fantastic job making this special for us and Paddle Pass 2012 was a huge success. I love all of my beautiful Tri-Delta sistas and I cannot wait to live in the house with them next year!